The following illustration is based on a £50.00 donation made on a UK credit or debit card.
Donation amount
Donation amount
Card fee 1.9% +20p*
Contactless fee (25p per day when 3 transactions are made)
Platform fee
Charity receives
donation made via web
Donation made via app
Boost Donate donations
Paid by givestar
*Non-UK credit and debit cards, and/or Amex cards are subject to a 2.9% card fee and a 30p processing fee
**The fees and percentages remain the same regardless of the value of the donation
How do we compare?
Donation amount
The charity receives (without gift aid)




Voluntary contributions
When donating you will be asked if you would like to make a discretionary voluntary contribution. On top of your donation, you can choose to contribute from 0% to 100%, it’s like a tip in a restaurant and will be added on top of your donation. Voluntary contributions enable us to keep investing in the givestar product, without the need to charge the charities for use of the platform, which means we can deliver more impact for you and the charities you support. We value and appreciate every single donation, regardless of whether there’s a voluntary contribution added.
How and when do the charities receive the donations?
Once a charity has provided their settlement details, and these have been approved by our compliance team, givestar payout funds received on a monthly basis. Payouts are generally made on, or around, the 14th of each calendar month, and include any due funds up to the last day of the previous month.
Charity and Enterprise fees:
For information on fees relating to our charity and Enterprise services not covered by the donation fees illustration above please get in touch.